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Creative Team
Creative Team July 19th, 2024

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Gas furnaces are made in all different sizes from the smaller residential appliance to the huge commercial beasts that heat large businesses. People love gas furnaces because of their efficiency and how well they heat up our Colorado Springs homes when the weather turns bitterly cold.

A gas furnace is great, but this type of heater can have problems that are important to avoid. For one, the ventilation system that rises from the gas furnace can leak. The gas lines or connections can also leak. Either one of these scenarios releases toxic gases into the home.

If you have a gas furnace in Colorado Springs, know that maintenance is important for safety but also offers other benefits.

Getting The Yearly Furnace Tune Up

A yearly furnace tune up should always be done just before the cold season in Colorado. It’s never too late for a tune up, but scheduling them before you turn on the gas heater is important. The HVAC technician will inspect the unit from top to bottom and will test for gas leaks and ventilation leaks.

During the tune up, the gas furnace will be cleaned and adjusted in certain areas. The thermostat, gas lines, and all other parts will be thoroughly checked and tested for problems. You will know about any damage or weakened parts that need to be replaced.

Maintenance For Efficiency

Maintaining your gas furnace will go a long way to making it efficient. As the heater ages, it will have to work harder to heat the home if it is not maintained. This wastes energy and makes your heating bills higher. Avoid this problem with regular furnace maintenance.

Avoid More Costly Furnace Repairs Later

If you keep your furnace inspected and maintained, you’ll avoid some significant problems. A heating technician will be able to spot weakened parts or other damage early before it causes other parts to fail. Just as getting regular dental care helps us to avoid losing teeth later, regular gas furnace maintenance helps to avoid costly mechanical failure. Contact our team at Excellent Plumbing, Heating & Mechanical today!

If you would like to learn more about Gas Furnace Maintenance in Colorado Springs, please call Excellent Plumbing, Heating & Mechanical at 719-393-9300 or complete our online request form.